How To Become A Social Member Of Aboyne Golf Club
At only £45 per annum, social membership of Aboyne Golf Club presents fantastic value for money and members enjoy a 10% discount on all food and drink. To join simply download this form and return it with your payment or stop by on your way past.
Our Licencing Regulations Explained
Aboyne Golf Club licensing requires that patrons utilising the golf clubhouse satisfy one of the following conditions:
- They are members of the golf club (playing, country or social)
- They are guests of a member of the golf club (members can sign in up to 5 guests at any one time)
- They are a member of a reciprocal club. A reciprocal club is one that is non-profit making and has a constitution - for example, Deeside Gliding Club qualifies as a reciprocal club, as would any other gliding club in the UK.
Please note that reciprocal club members cannot sign in guests.